Legend of mana pet guide
Legend of mana pet guide

legend of mana pet guide

So now at Tier 5 we have our only real choice to make with regards to which class to play, both are hybrid classes and both can lead to the tier 6 Blademaster. But of course sometimes we want the highest damaging skill possible and aren't worried about mana efficiency, just as thief classes we tend to have less mana and this become more important to think about for builds. The real benefit comes in PvP defense actually where the AI has unlimited mana. In Orna in general the increased mana cost of upgraded skills will not give the same increase in power, so for example Charge 2 costs twice as much mana as Charge 1 but won't do twice as much damage. Damage skills we learn are all second versions of previously learned skills, all giving a little extra damage for more mana as well. For other builds it's a mandatory pick-up actually. It also learns solid skills the best one having to be Barrier 2 which gives single up Defense and Resistance, it's also guaranteed on first use. It's a hybrid of warrior and thief and although the Mystic is also technically hybrid of thief and mage, it doesn't learn any attack skills, neither does Spellsword for warrior either actually so Adept is our only real choice here for attack builds. So at tier 4 we have the attack melee low tier god the Adept class. Great damage and mana efficiency, low damage penetration but at this level we'll normally be ok as long as you're using a weapon of the same tier and aren't lagging behind. Finally yes we learn Tricut, a great skill that'll last long into the game, I still use this in dungeons at tier 10. Cyclone also regularly procs stunned on your enemy, causing them to miss turns and making them unmissable. Cyclone we learn at lvl 65 is a good multi-hit skill, it'll be our highest hitting skill until learning Tricut at lvl 75. Try it out you might be surprised! Otherwise it obviously does good damage for a single hit and will get through most defenses you'll see at this level, only costs 25 mana, just watch for the 10% self damage you receive.

legend of mana pet guide

It can actually be used to do some damage to much higher tier raid bosses, you won't get gear drops but you can still get potions and more importantly gauntlet keys from Titan and Balor Elite raids. But it is a good way to buff up At lvl 55 we learn the fantastic Double Edge skill, this has incredibly high defense penetration relative to this point in the game. The chance now is very low and it can take many turns to proc the remaining stats up, probably best to use Warcry by itself honestly. The problem starts now if you didn't get Att up, which is what we're mainly after. The less stats up you have the more chance this skill has of proccing the single ups, so basically at the start of a fight it's very good and will likely give you 1 - 3 stat ups straight away. This can boost single ups for the 5 base stats, Def, Res, Att, Mag and Dex. It's got a 25% chance per stat to boost a stat. The first skill we learn is Battle Dance at lvl 50 which is great sometimes and frustrating at others.

Legend of mana pet guide