Deserving special mention are Phillip Crockford (San Francisco), Coby Schasfoort (Holland), Trevor Savage and Barry Summerfield (Australia), Colleen Carroll (Colorado), Patti Steurer-Lenk (Iowa), Richard Harnack (Missouri), and Dorothy Lenk (Pennsylvania) who have enthusiastically implemented this program.Ī MESSAGE TO PARENTS AND EDUCATORS: BRAIN GYM is made up of simple and enjoyable movements and activities that we use with our students in Educational Kinesiology (Edu-Kinesthetics) to enhance their experience of whole brain learning. And, especially, to our hundreds of certified Edu-Kinesthetics consultants world wide. To Francis Mahony for his validation of muscle activation techniques. and others who pioneered the use of touch for fitness purposes making us aware of the importance of Energy Exercises. Special acknowledgements: To the staff members of the Touch For Health Foundation and the Valley Remedial Group Learning Centers.

The only exception to the above are text excerpts of 400 words or less which may be quoted without permission for teaching purposes by certified instructors, ONLY IF FULL CREDIT IS GIVEN, including thefull title, authors' names, and publisher's name and address. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. This manual consists of all original material. This trademark may be used only by certified Brain Gym instructors for promotion of their courses.

& Gail DennisonįOR YOUR INFORMATION Although these movements have been found to be safe and effective for our students, it is always advisable to consult your licensed medical practitioner before beginning any exercise program.ĪLL RIGHTS RESERVED Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation. Simple Activities for Whole Brain Learningīy Paul E. Post Office Box 3396, Ventura CA 93006-3396 U.S A Phone or Fax ordering with VISA MC (minimum order $25] (BOS, 650-3303 California residents must add sales tax Please allow 7 to 3 weeks average delivery time See below for postage for retail orders Mail your order to Edu-Kinesthetics. Additional titles ordered in numbers ol less than 10 are charged at the retail rate - these are NOT discounted To receive this courtesy discount, ADVANCE PAYMENT IN FULL MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ORDER Please ADD 8% for postage and handling ol wholesale orders 3= t, MORE rl rush service is requested. discount is available when TEN OR MORE BOOKS OF THE SAME TITLE ONLY are ordered. PRICE & POSTAGE POLICY ON WHOLESALE ORDERS ONLY A 40°. $30 00 Basic Class Certificates (Packet of 10 Brain Gym" I. $29.95 INTEGRATED MOVEMENTS (audio-tape). $16.95 BRAIN GYM'» SURFER by Hinsley & Conley. Teacher's Edition by Dennison & Dennison. $12 95 1īRAIN GYM by Dennison & Dennison. $12.00 PERSONALIZED WHOLE BRAIN INTEGRATION by Dennison & Dennison. $9.95 EDU-K FOR KIDS by Dennison & Dennison. Namaste, Llewellyn (ellybelly) July 3, 2005ĮDU-KINESTHETICS PUBLICATIONS SWITCHING ON by Dr. Whole brain thinking is necessary for each of us, whatever our age or path. I hope you won't let the fact that the book was written to be used with children fool you. Even though I am a healer now, too, I believe self healing is the noblest, most important healing work we can do. This little book and the concepts demonstrated in it was only one of the many tools he used, yet it was one of the most important. My healing journey, which had started some 5 years before, began in earnest then and has continued to this day. Hood (Texas) in1989-90, the first healer I'd ever gone to and about the first I'd ever heard of, worked with me everyday for over 3 months.